Submit an article Organising and Scientific Committees Inquire Practical info Registration Programme

Workshop: "Innovating for a sustainable world"

ESSCA Bordeaux: May 15th and 16th, 2024

Université du Luxembourg
Campus Kirchberg
6, rue Richard Coudenhove-Kalergi
L-1359 Luxembourg

ESSCA School of Management
1 Rue Joseph Lakanal
49000 Angers

         Dear colleagues,

         The "Innovating for a sustainable world" workshop aims to bring together academics and professionals to discuss the challenges of organizational innovation and sustainable development. It provides a forum for cross-fertilization between experts from different disciplines.

          Global warming, which is affecting every country on the planet, is set to intensify its ecological, economic and social impacts over the coming years (IPCC report: The challenges we are already facing are numerous and require multiple, systemic responses.

          From the point of view of organizations, several levers, including that of sustainable innovation (Boons et al. 2013), need to be thought through in greater depth to find sustainable solutions for preserving our environment and improving the quality of life of humans and other living beings. Thus, sustainable innovation, defined as "innovation that improves sustainable performance" (Boons et al. 2013: 2), aims to act on the three environmental, economic and social dimensions of sustainable development (Elkington, 1998). This link between innovative practices that take account of environmental, social and economic issues and the sustainable performance of organizations has been studied systematically, notably by Kuzma et al. (2020). In their meta-analysis, the authors show that innovation - in its broadest sense - has a positive impact on the dimensions of sustainable performance. Mediating or moderating effects have not been explored in this research.

          Our aim is to gain a better understanding of how organizations (companies, public authorities, non-governmental organizations, etc.) innovate with an innovate with sustainable development in mind, and of the obstacles and driving forces behind these innovations.

          The sub-themes that could be addressed in the papers are as follows:

          - Sustainable business models
          - Corporate social responsibility
          - Artificial intelligence for sustainable performance
          - Innovation for sustainable mobility
          - Innovation and ecological transition
          - Eco-design, renewable energies, sustainable waste management
          - Other topics related to sustainable innovation
         We encourage participants to submit proposals related to these or other topics dealing with innovation and sustainable development. This call for papers is open to both researchers and professionals. Participants can submit their proposals via the Worskhop platform under the "submit an article" tab.

         Deadline for paper submission is March 1, 2024. The Workshop will take place on ESSCA's Bordeaux campus. You'll find all the information you need in the tabs above and below. Registration closes on May 6th, 2024.

         We encourage interested parties to submit their proposals. We thank you for your participation.

         Hope to see you soon!


         Adams, R., Jeanrenaud, S., Bessant, J., Denyer, D., & Overy, P. (2016). Sustainability‐oriented innovation: A systematic review. International Journal of Management Reviews, 18(2), 180-205.

         Boons, F., Montalvo, C., Quist, J., & Wagner, M. (2013). Sustainable innovation, business models and economic performance: an overview. Journal of cleaner production, 45, 1-8.

         Elkington J. (1998). Cannibals with Forks: the Triple Bottom Line of 21st Century Business, New Society Publishers.

         Kuzma, E., Padilha, L. S., Sehnem, S., Julkovski, D. J., & Roman, D. J. (2020). The relationship between innovation and sustainability: A meta-analytic study. Journal of Cleaner Production, 259, 120745.

The organizing team

Submit an article Organising and Scientific Committees Inquire Practical info Registration Programme